Mannai Supports QRCS Somalia Relief Campaign
Company: CSR, Mannai Corporation
Release Date: October 12, 2011
Mannai Corporation and its employees extended help to Somalia with a donation of QR 118,500 through the Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS).
Somalia is in dire and urgent need of humanitarian assistance due to widespread famine and endless iterations of civil war. Mannai’s contribution to QRCS will help provide a relief distribution to the Somali people that will include basic health emergencies, non-food relief items, shelters and relief nutrition especially for children who are acutely malnourished and people who require immediate lifesaving assistance to survive.
“Mannai Corporation is keen to participate in efforts aimed at helping people rebuild communities, which reinforces the positive image of Qatar and its people’s generosity and maximizes the concept of cooperation between nations in serving humanitarian causes”, said Mr. Alaa Elebiary, Chief HR & Admin Officer, Mannai Corporation.
Mr. Adel Ali Al Baker, Director of QRCS Secretary General’s Office, expressed QRC’s thanks and appreciation for this humanitarian initiative which will help many of the displaced families to survive. He also praised the ongoing efforts by both the companies and its employees in responding to humanitarian appeals launched by QRCS.
Extending help in these circumstances is part of Mannai’s corporate social responsibility and social mission. In 2010, the Company donated QR 75,000 for the people of Pakistan due to floods.
And in 2009, Mannai employees raised QR 47,450 to help thousands of people who suffered during the Philippine floods, and earlier in that year the corporation raised QR 116,780 to buy food and medical supplies for the distressed residents of Gaza.
In Qatar, Mannai also implements its corporate responsibility programme by supporting social and public awareness activities that give opportunity to contribute for the community. Mannai’s recent blood donation is held annually in collaboration with Hamad Medical Centre Blood Donation Unit. Also this year, Mannai Travel Group joined hands with the Ministry of Municipality & Urban Planning in a clean-up drive along the coastline of the North Township (Al Ruwais).
The United Nations “declared three new regions in Somalia to be famine zones expanding the area where the highest rates of malnutrition and deaths are taking place, including the refugee camps in the capital of Mogadishu. Pastures have dried up, and the animals that Somali nomads survive off are dying in droves. With many families driven from their land and many of those who can are fleeing the country, using what little money they have to pay for buses or simply walking, often hundreds of miles through the desert with their children. Thousands of Somalis have been streaming across the borders of Kenya and Ethiopia every day, and many children arrive too far gone to be saved. “